ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2023

What is the ELLS Scientific Student Conference?
The 15th ELLS Scientific Student Conference will take place on the 17th and 18th of November 2023.
Every year, the Euroleague for Life Sciences invites students from ELLS member and ELLS partner universities to participate in the Scientific Student Conference (SSC). This year's main theme is The Power of Science - Many Perspectives on our World. The two-day frame of the SSC is an excellent opportunity for students to feel the flair of a scientific conference and get to know many different people - students and teachers - from various fields and universities. Students can either present their scientific work within a poster session or an oral session. Within the poster sessions, students will present their work as an e-poster. In the oral session, students will give a talk and answer questions about their research. Students will get constructive feedback on their presentation and work from peers and experts and might even win a prize.
What is the target audience?
BSc, MSc and first-year Ph.D. students (at the time of submission of the abstract) of universities affiliated to the ELLS network.
Subthemes of the conference
- Food for the world
The power of food and food systems: Improving global food production - Big perspectives on small things
The power of plants, insects, microorganisms, and biotechnology: Small things can make a major difference - Pigs, pine trees, and everything in between
The power of animal science and forestry: Managing livestock and forests - Social economy in a changing world
The power of (bio)economics and management: Moving towards a sustainable economy - Our planet as a resource
The power of organic agriculture: Solutions to droughts, floods, pests, and other challenges farmers deal with - Working together for a greener future
The power of landscape ecology and environmental sciences: Sustainable ways to shape our surroundings and human impacts
How to participate?
Step 1: Submit your abstract – Abstract Submission from April to mid-June 2023. The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended. We invite you to submit your abstract before June 30 2023 (23:59 CEST). The best abstracts will be chosen and those students will be allowed to present their research in an oral presentation or e-poster presentation, including a poster pitch.
Step 2: Abstract review. - All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a Scientific Committee (scientists from ELLS member Universities) in July and August 2023. Authors will be notified beginning of September whether their abstract has been accepted. Notification of the final assignment (oral presentation or poster presentation) will follow.
Step 3: Registration as presenter or audience member. - After confirmation of your participation, you have to register for the conference via this website. Registration will open on September 5th. If you did not submit an abstract or if your abstract was rejected you may also participate as an audience member.
The best oral and poster presentations per subtheme will receive prize money.
Check this website for evaluation criteria.
At the SSC 2023 in Hohenheim it is planned to award the following prizes:
- 6 student prizes (à 300 €) for the best oral presentations in each subtheme
- 8 student prizes (à 150 €) for the best poster presentations
For those who need to book accommodation for the Scientific Student Conference 2023 in Hohenheim, we have reserved almost 250 beds in three different hostels. All three are located near the city center from where you can reach the university campus in 30-40 minutes by public transport. The prices per bed and night range between 25 € and 52 € depending on the room type. Please note that reserved beds are only available until September 30st / October 18th, 2023.
Overview of pre-booked hostels
Hostel/number of reserved beds | Webpage | Deadline for booking | Booking code |
a&o Stuttgart City - 50 beds | www.aohostels.com/de/stuttgart/ | 21 September 2023 | S1-257157 |
Hostel Alex 30 58 beds | https://alex30-hostel.de/en/ | 18 October 2023 | ELLS Scientific Student Conference |
Jugendherberge Stuttgart International
| www.jugendherberge.de/jugendherbergen/stuttgart-international/ | 30 September 2023 | ELLS Student Conference |
Find detailed information in this document.
Important: You must book your accommodation yourself by sending an email to the mail address of the hostel given in the document above mentioning the respective booking code!!
(Exceptions: Beneficiaries of an ELLS stipend and students also participating in the EnvEuro workshop)
Public Transport
If you would like to use public transportation in the Stuttgart area, we recommend using the website of the Verkehrsverbund Stuttgart: VVS.de
The portal for abstract submission is closed.
- Sign in to https://portal.smart-abstract.com/ells-ssc2023
- Create a new account with your email address
- Sign up and complete your personal data
- Activation: You will receive a link to activate your account
Read the guidelines for abstract submission very carefully
- Complete all fields of the abstract submission form
Topic: Choose a topic (subtheme) that best fits your abstract.
Title: Maximum 250 characters
Abstract body: Maximum 2500 characters
Acknowledgments: Type the name and surname of anyone who might have helped you with your work and abstract (eg. supervisor) - Confirmation of the supervisor:
Upload a confirmation of your supervisor (university teacher) that he/she supports your application (e-mail sufficient) - Submit your abstract
Abstract changes and corrections will be accepted until the extended deadline on 30/6/2023.
Review process and notification of authors
Submitted abstracts wil be reviewed between 5 July and end of August. Evaluation is done by scientists of ELLS universities.
Assessment of abstracts is done according to the following criteria:
- Clarity and structure
Is the abstract well-organized and coherent, with a clear introduction, methodology, results, and conclusion?
- Research Question/Hypothesis:
Is the research question or hypothesis stated clearly and concisely?
- Methodology and Approach:
Does the abstract sufficiently describe the research methods used and their suitability for addressing the research question or hypothesis?
- Results and Findings:
Are the results presented clearly and logically, and do they support or refute the research question or hypothesis?
- Implications and Conclusions:
Does the abstract discuss the implications and potential impact of the research, and do the conclusions align with the results and the initial research question or hypothesis
Notification of authors about acceptance of their abstracts will be sent out between 5 and 9 Sepember 2023.
Friday, 17 November 2023 | |
8:30 - 18:00 Bio II, Garbenstr. 30, Foyer | Registration SSC |
9:00 - 9:15 Bio II, Garbenstr. 30, Audimax | Welcome and official opening of the 15th ELLS Scientific Student Conference |
9:15- 9:30 | Welcome from the State of Baden-Württemberg Grit Puchan, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Food, Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection Baden-Wuerttemberg |
9:30 - 10:00
| Introduction of KomBiota |
10:00 - 12:00 Bio II, Garbenstr. 30, Audimax Chairperson: Georg Petschenka | Panel discussion |
12:00- 13:30 Mensa | Lunch |
13:30- 14:30 Bio II, Garbenstr. 30, Audimax | Introduction and Moderation: Theresa Kaufmann, ELSA UHOH Keynote 1: Contradictory Public Perception of Agriculture - the View of Communication Science Anna Struth, Master Student in Organic Agriculture and Food Systems, University of Hohenheim |
14:30 - 15:30 Bio II, Audimax, Lecture rooms B3 B4; Euroforum Katharinasaal | 4 parallel oral sessions I |
15:40-16:30 Bio I and II, lecture rooms B2, B3, B4 | 3 Parallel poster sessions I |
16:30 - 17:00 Mensa | Coffee break |
17:00 - 18:00 Bio I and II, B2, B3, B4; Euroforum Katharinasaal | 4 parallel oral sessions II |
18:10 - 19:00 BIO I and II, lecture rooms B2, B3, B4 | 3 parallel poster sessions II |
18:10 - 19:00 BIO I lecture room B11 | Let's discuss session 1 "Let's discuss bringing science to the people" |
19:00 - 21:00 Mensa | Dinner |
21:00 - 01:00 Thomas-Müntzer-Scheuer TMS | Students party |
Saturday, 18 November 2023 | ||
9:00 - 10:00 | 4 parallel oral sessions III | |
10:10 - 11:00 Bio I und II, lecture rooms B2, B3, B4 | Parallel poster sessions III | |
10:10 - 11:00 Bio I lecture rooms B11, B12 | Let's discuss sessions 2 and 3 "Let's bringing science to the people" - lecture room B11 "Let's discuss biodiversity" - lecture room B12 | |
11:00 - 11:30 Mensa | Coffee break | |
11:30 - 12:30 Bio I and II, lecture rooms B1, B2, B3, B4 | 4 parallel oral sessions IV | |
12:40 - 13:30 Bio I und II lecture rooms B2, B4 | 2 parallel poster sessions IV | |
12:40 - 13:30 BIO I, lecture room B11 | Let's discuss session 4 "Let's discuss your academic future" | |
13:30 - 14:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 - 15:15 | Presentation of case study competition 2023 "Food systems transformation through transdisciplinarity and cooperation (2CS)" | |
14:30 -15:15 | Sustainable campus walks Student sustainability group | |
15:15 - 16:15 Bio II, Audimax | Wrap-up of the conference Award ceremony | |
16:15 | Closing of the conference Ludwig Hölzle, UHOH - Arnold Bregt, WUR |
Lars Krogmann
Prof. Dr. Lars Krogmann: Prof. Dr. Lars Krogmann was born in Hamburg in 1976. He is an internationally recognized entomologist who researches the evolutionary basis of the high diversity of insects. He focuses primarily on the evolution of parasitic wasps and the discovery and description of new species. After completing his doctorate at the University of Hamburg and a postdoctoral research position at the University of Adelaide in South Australia funded by the Alexander Humboldt Foundation, he moved to the Museum of Natural History Stuttgart as a research assistant in 2008. From 2018 to 2022, he has headed the entomological research department here and teaches systematic entomology at the University of Hohenheim. From February 2021, he was also interim director of the museum. In October 2022, he became Scientific Director of the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart. The joint appointment as Professor of Biological Systematics at the University of Hohenheim and as Director of the Natural History Museum will once again significantly strengthen the close cooperation between the two institutions.
Jens Vogelgesang
Prof. Dr. Jens Vogelgesang is Professor of Communication Studies, especially Media and Usage Research, at the University of Hohenheim. His research focuses on the study of the motives and effects of media use. He studied journalism and communication science, economics and psychology at Freie Universität Berlin. After graduating, he initially worked at the market research company forsa in Berlin before switching to academia. He worked at the Free University of Berlin, the University of Hohenheim, the Westfälische-Wilhelms University of Münster and the University of Erfurt as part of his academic career. He has been a professor at Hohenheim since 2015.
Anna Struth
Anna Struth is a Master student in "Organic Agriculture and Food Systems" at the University of Hohenheim.
She works as Research Associate at the Chair of Societal Transition and Agriculture Project ‘Ökovaluation’
- Developing creative methods for research on values related to food and agriculture
and at the Chair Sustainable Use of Natural Resources Project ‘FOSTER’ Fostering food system transformation by integrating heterogeneous perspectives in knowledge and innovation
- Action research on food system transformation with practical partners
Volunteer activities:
- Board member, working group sustainability Hohenheim
Finding ways to promote sustainability within the institution - From 04/2020 – 02/2022 Board member, netzwerk n e.V.(Berlin, Germany)
Leading an NGO with employees and volunteers - Promoting whole institution approaches for sustainability transformation in higher education institutions
Guidelines for Oral/Poster Presentations
Confirmation and Registration
Upon receiving an email confirming the acceptance of your abstract, please register on the ELLS Scientific Students Conference homepage by 30 September at 11:59 pm. Registration is mandatory for your participation in the conference.
Guidelines for oral presentations
- The ELLS Scientific Students Conference will have several parallel oral and poster sessions for each subtheme.
- Each oral presentation will be assigned to a session and a time slot, which will be defined in a confirmation mail. Oral sessions will take place in lecture rooms of the Euroforum and the Bio I and Bio II buildings. The final programme with venues of the individual sessions will also be published on this page.
- Students who have been selected to do an oral presentation in one of the sessions should prepare a presentation that will last for a maximum of 15 minutes. This is followed by a 5 minutes discussion with the audience.
- All PowerPoint presentations will be held in Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 and on notebooks running on Windows 10. They should have the format 16:9. In case you have problems with the format 16:9, you can also use the format 4:3. However, please note that your presentation will not be displayed perfectly then (boarders will be visible)
- If you are using other software than Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 (e.g. OpenOffice, PowerPoint for Mac, Keynote) please ensure your presentation is converted to Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows before you send your presentation to the conference coordination. Presentations in Acrobat PDF format, Word format,keynote or Prezi are NOT accepted. Do not compress (e.g. zip) or split your presentation into several media formats.
- Use common fonts (such as Times New Roman or Arial) in your PowerPoint presentation to be sure that it displays as expected.
- Do not insert objects or files produced with non-Office applications into your PowerPoint presentation (SPSS Corel-Draw etc.) because the computer software required for the linkage may not be installed on the notebooks. Please insert such contents as images.
- It will not be possible to use your own notebook for your presentation, as connecting and disconnecting notebooks will cause delays.
Submission of presentation to conference coordination
- You have to send your PowerPoint presentation in advance to ells2023@uni-hohenheim.de Deadline for submission is 6 November 2023.
- Please use the following file name A-xxx-lastname-firstname.pptx (A-xxx is the number of your abstract in the abstract submission portal)
Guidelines for poster presentations
Guidelines for e-poster presentations
- The ELLS Scientific Students Conference will have several parallel oral and poster sessions for each subtheme.
- Posters at the ELLS SSC will be presented in digital form (e-poster).
- Each e-poster presentation will be assigned to a session and a time slot, which will be defined in a confirmation mail. Poster sessions will also take place in lecture rooms of the Bio I and Bio II buildings. The final programme with venues of the individual sessions will also be published on this page.
- Each presenter will be allocated 3 minutes to present their e-Poster, plus 2 minutes for discussion at the screens. Each session will be guided by a moderator. Presenters should be at the lecture rooms 10 minutes before the start of the poster session and remain there until the session has finished.
- All e-posters will be available in an virtual exhibition until May 2024.
Guidelines for preparing your e-poster
Important note:
The deadline for the submission of the e-poster is the 30 October 2023, Midnight (CEST). Until then, you can go back into the submission portal at any time to make changes and corrections.
Copyright Information/Good Scientific Practice:
When creating and submitting a digital poster, it is important to keep in mind and comply with the rules of applicable copyrights and the requirements of Good Scientific Practice: Quote correctly and extensively. Include an extensive bibliography in your e-poster. Protect yourself against accusations of plagiarism!
- Posters should be prepared in English
- Number of pages: One page (1)
- File format: PDF
- Format: landscape
- Do not use animated effects, "animations" or videos.
- Size: 103.86 x 58.42 cm, (16:9 aspect ratio)
- Font size: min. 28pt, 24 for references
- Font: Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman
- Make sure that text and background have a high contrast (dark writing on light background or vice versa)
- File formats for embedded images are .jpeg or .png in a resolution of 72 or 96 dpi.
Preparing your e-poster:
Save your poster as a PDF file before submitting it. All newer versions of PowerPoint and most other software applications allow you to save your poster as a PDF file using the menu "File > Save As" or the option "File > Print > as .PDF".
Notifications (Emails):
- Please note that only the submitting (corresponding) person receives all notifications about the poster. Therefore, make sure that emails from information@smart-abstract.com are not marked as spam by your email provider.
Registration for the ELLS Scientific Student Conference Conference is closed as the maximum number of participants is reached
Registration deadline for oral and poster presenters was 30 September 2023
Don't forget to book your accommodation in due time!
Participation fees: The SSC is free of charge, meals during the conference are included.
Travel stipends: Some ELLS universities offer travel stipends for students with an oral or poster presentation. Please contact the IRO of your university for details.
ELLS stipend: The organising university pays the accommodation costs for 3 - 5 oral or poster presenters from each ELLS member and 1 -2 oral or poster presenters from each partner university. Awardees are selected by the reviewers together with the home universities.